Tuesday 19 May 2015

3, 2, 1... Let's Jam!

Welcome to the brand spankin' new Morganimated.com blog!

My old blog, M.A.C. Works, is officially closed.

Why the change? Most importantly my initials are no longer MAC. Yep, I took the plunge and got married about a year and 1/2 ago! It was a party filled with geekery, cake, and booze. What more could you ask for?
I also thought it was important to distance myself from the previous blog, which was mostly my student work (and I've never particularly cared for those pieces) and really get a fresh start.

Ok, well why now? A little backstory... Since graduating art school I had been begrudgingly working in a health insurance call centre. I was pretty miserable. There's really is nothing more crippling to your creativity than being yelled at or being called a monster 100 times a day 5 days a week. But this is NH, and jobs making art are hard to come by. Plus, I have those lovely student loans to take care of. Eventually I was promoted to a higher paying position in the call centre which, without getting into details, was rewarding in some ways but more often than not exhausting and terrible. Did I mention I really don't enjoy being yelled at? The best part of that job by far were my coworkers. On a daily basis we tried to make each other laugh, and I probably wouldn't have stayed sane for long without the support of the people I worked with. I even won an award for service and they sent me to Orlando for 3 days. I stayed at the Grand Floridian inside Disney, and one evening part of Universal Studios was shut down just for the award winners!! I rode the Transformers ride about 5 times in a ROW. With no wait. There was even a FREE PLAY DDR MACHINE (obviously this was the most exciting part of the adventure!) It was pure insanity, and I loved it.
Back in NH, my husband was attending college full-time to get his bachelor's degree in Computer Science. As much as I wanted to quit my job, financially it was just not going to work out. So I stuck it out until he graduated, and within the last few months he took a job which finally provided me with the opportunity to stop working at the insurance company and pursue my career in art.
A month later our lease at our rental house was up, and we very much desired to move from the middle of nowhere central NH back to some form of civilization. I devoted virtually all of my time to finding a suitable place to live. Once we located our new home, hauling all of our material possessions there and unpacking them in various locations was top priority.

And that's where we're at now... Moved in officially to our new place at the end of April, and the dust is finally starting to settle. I've enjoyed working on a few freelance projects since the beginning of May, but at this point I'm really trying to remember what exactly I enjoyed creating when I had the time to sit down and work. I have the time now, and I would like to devote it to relearning old tools and maybe even trying new things!

I'm trying this blog thing again in hopes that it will keep me honest about staying on track of projects. I know how easy it ease to lose steam once I get started, but even if no one reads this I will have some form of accountability.

So that's it! First major thing I'm trying to square away is relaunching my actual website... I'm just being rather picky about the layout, quite frankly :/

OBLIGATORY CAT PHOTO TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suki is so annoyed that I would dare to sit in HER office chair.
This position is her form of compromise.

- Morgan

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